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I’m a Junior Web Developer with a passion for building apps that are functional and visually appealing.
I previously worked in the life science industry and have a bachelor's degree in visual arts. I decided to pursue web development because I wanted a new career where technical problem solving would be at the center of my daily routine. I completed The Iron Yard’s immersive, full-stack developer course in October, 2017.
I love the feeling of satisfaction I get from resolving bugs in just a few lines of code, as well as the thrill that comes with delivering a beautiful, effective web product. I’m looking for an opportunity to contribute my skills and continue to grow as a developer.
My resume is available on the side bar to the left (see 3-bars button at top). Feel free to connect with me via email at or on LinkedIn
I’m still adding features to this site, so stop back again soon!
Programming Skills
My resume includes a more detailed outline of my work experience and is available to view and download.
Languages/Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript ES6, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS
Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose
Ruby Gems/Libraries: Rspec, MiniTest, FactoryBot, Shoulda Matchers, Capybara, Launchy, Devise, CanCan, Pundit, Active Admin, ActionMailer, Formtastic, Dotenv, Dragonfly, Paperclip, CarrierWave, Jbuilder, Rack middleware
Front End JS Libraries: D3.js, PDF.js, Datejs, jQuery
NodeJS Frameworks and Modules: Express with Mustache, Validator, Passport, Express-Session, Cookie-Session
Styling and Design Tools: Animations using CSS keyframes, transition properties and JS functions; Bootstrap, Media Queries, FlexBox, CSS-Grid, Font Awesome, Google Fonts, PhotoShop
Server/Storage Tools: Digital Ocean, Ubuntu, Passenger, Nginx, SSL certificate installation with CertBot, Capistrano and Capistrano partner gems, Heroku, AWS CLI for managing s3 buckets, AWS Ruby SDK
Other relevant skills
Continue scrolling to see interactive skills graph
To see most recent projects and updates to ongoing work, please visit my GitHub site at .
Some of the information below is also included in my resume, which is available to view and download.
Featured Projects:
My Hacker News Lite
This web app was modelled after Y Combinator's Hacker News site. The backend is built in Ruby on Rails with jQuery and AJAX-enabled requests on the front-end.
The GIF below shows ways a user can interact with a post by up-voting, down-voting, cancelling their vote, and adding a comment.
Song Snippet Player
The Song Snippet Player pulls song clips from the iTunes API and allows users to build a play list while listening to songs they choose. Try it out here.
The GIF below shows the a desktop view of the playlist feature in action.
The GIF below shows the a desktop view of the playlist feature in action. The image to the right is a sample mobile view.
Snippet Player Code Repository:
Tourify is a collaboratively built web app that serves two main user types:
The image above shows Tourify's home page for the tourist's view (left) and a view from Tourify's Content Creator's Dashboad (right). Tourify’s tourist’s view is available at:
As a backend developer on the project, I was involved in building this Ruby on Rails web app to serve 2 main functions. Tourify exposes a public API with tour and stop information for the React frontend and supports a Content Creator’s Dashboard, which provides an interface for making changes to the API content.
The image below shows the options available on the Stops Main Page within Tourify's Content Creator's Dashboard.
Tourify’s Content Creator Dashboard is available in a beta-tester's version here. Click here for instructions on how to view the beta testers version of the Content Creator's dashboard.
Tourify’s Backend Code Repository:
Contact Information
If you'd like to connect, I can be reached via email and over LinkedIn. If you prefer other forms of social media, feel free to follow me at any of the sites listed below. | |
Ginnie Hench on LinkedIn | |
gingin77/Ginnie Hench on GitHub | |
Ginnie Hench on StackOverflow | |
@engineniches on Twitter | |
Ginnie Learns to Code on Wordpress |