Instructions for viewing features in Tourify's Content Creator's Dashboard
(this is for accessing a beta-testers version of the site)
First, visit the Registration page.
On the Registration page, you can create a username and password. Then you'll then be routed to the Login page.
Re-enter your new username and password on the Login page.
After you login, you'll see the Organization home page, which lists all tours associated with the given organization (the view shown below).
Feel free to visit the options available - view individual stops or the tours overview page.
Bulk-upload and download options are available for handling multiple stops associated with a given tour (shown in image below). To view these options on the site:
Select "See tour overview" from the Organization home page
Then select the orange button that says "Stops Main Page".
Alternatively, if you have logged in, you should be able to access the Stops Main Page with this link.
The image below shows the options available on the Stops Main Page within Tourify's Content Creator's Dashboard.